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Kulbir lives and works on the South Coast of England U.K

Primarily working with acrylic on canvas, Kulbir’s work is characterised by the use of abstract shape, colour and repetitive lines.  She has a keen understanding and love of colour,  which informs each piece she produces.

She draws inspiration from her surroundings and her background working with textiles. Architectural and natural  landscapes are distilled down to simple forms and shapes which build through a dialogue with each other  and a play between positive and negative space.  The use of repetitive line helps to create a sense of movement and texture within the work, a technique she is constantly revising and refining.


The process often determines the outcome, with reductive techniques and overlays revealing unpredictable variations of space, colour and form.

She works in a studio in Bridport, Dorset and sells her work in both the Uk and Europe, as well as applying her faculties to a series of upcoming public art projects.


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